My boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend…

Were there enough apostrophes and possessive nouns in that title for you? English geekiness aside… I wanted to make a brief post about my boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend, because she has been SO awesome about his transition. She just put my boyfriend in contact with another T guy in the state that she went to high […]

And Then There Was a River of Blood

If you’re squeamish, stop now. No, really. I’m being very serious. To the brave that journey on, may the force be with you. 3….2….1…. Today was shot day. It shouldn’t have been a big deal. We’ve had many shot days. We alternate sides to keep one side from getting too damaged from weekly shots, and today’s […]

Why I’m excited about my partner’s transition

Saturday night my partner and I decided to have a small fire, and we spent a lot of time talking. We’d just gotten back from a nice vacation in Raleigh, NC, so it was the perfect setting for the conversation we ended up having. I think it started when I made some kind of comment […]