Cis-shaming/ cis-blaming

I haven’t written an angry blog post. I told myself I never would, unless I did so regarding this very sensitive subject. You have been forewarned: this is a somewhat angry post that you are under no obligation to read. I will also state in advance that it has nothing specifically to do with my partner’s transition, so if that’s why you follow my blog, consider yourself pardoned from any obligation to read it. This is also your language warning.

Now that the disclosures are out of the way….

If you’re a cis-shaming/cis-blaming individual, feel free to get the fuck off my blog, because we have nothing in common. But please read this before you go.

I AM CISGENDERED (shocker, right?). But I devote more of my time to trans-activism locally and virtually than I do other matters that more specifically or directly affect me; for example: national health care, the cost of living, the after math of student loans, etc. etc. etc. All of these things are things that directly impact my life, and yet I, the terrible awful evil  CISGENDERED MONSTER some of you in this community are so frequently bitching about, devot more of my time and effort to being an ally for all transgendered individuals. Why? Because I care. Not because I fucking have to, but because I care. Because I am NOT some cisgendered, privileged, <insert all other Tumblr insults> asshole. For the record: I was a trans ally before I ever met my partner, so before you attempt to claim that my boyfriend is the only reason why I care, tough shit. That’s just not the way this trans ally cookie crumbles.

I understand (not personally, don’t attack me because I’m not trans. I know that) that the hand you’ve all been dealt, the life you lead and the struggles you endure to be true to yourselves and live a full happy life, are not easy. I know that you meet a lot of assholes along the way. I’ve seen it firsthand with my partner and other trans people I know. But here’s the fact: NOT ALL CIS PEOPLE SUCK. Some white people suck. Some black people suck. Some hispanic people suck. Some asian people suck. Some <insert whatever ethnicity, gender, nationality, social class, etc. here> suck.

Some. People. Suck. But that doesn’t mean all people suck, and the sooner you learn that the better. There are mean people everywhere, and sure, in some scenarios, the mean people outnumber the nice. But that doesn’t mean that, to be specific once more, for every ten bigoted cis people there isn’t at least one of me, and we’re here fighting along side with you. So please, give us some credit. Lumping all cisgendered people into one nasty evil category is the same as lumping all Germans into one category because Hitler was a fuckhead, or all white people into one category because some backwoods hicks are KKK members, or lumping all black people into one category because some are “thugs” (which, reminder, all ethnicities have thugs, so there’s another stereotype you can shove).

By lumping all cis people, or any other people, into one “negative” category, YOU, ladies and gents, are NO BETTER than the bigoted fucks who are doing it to you. So stop it.

You can disagree with me all you want, or blast me, or whatever helps you sleep at night. I don’t give a fuck. But I will thank you for at least reading this, and I hope you have a great day tomorrow.



5 thoughts on “Cis-shaming/ cis-blaming

  1. Don’t let Tumblr ally hate get you down. Most of them are complaining about the people who say that they’re allies just because they don’t intentionally do anything super-discriminatory, and who don’t do any real good. And there are a lot of people like that. What the Tumblr users mostly don’t realize is that using “ally” in such a broad sense really hurts the REAL allies. Stay strong. They don’t know who you are, and HOW you are.

    (I actually wrote a post on this a few weeks ago: Sorry for the blatant self-promotion.)

  2. You mentioned Tumblr. Its maybe just me but I find Tumblr can be a breeding ground for all kinds of self-righteous “I’m more oppressed than you” bullshit that fuels garbage like cis-hate etc. I have chosen to stay away because, frankly, fuck that noise. I have a lot of great cis-gendered allies in my life for whom I am eternally grateful. So yeah. Thanks for this post.

    • Thank you for understanding and NOT lashing out at me like the More-Oppressed-Than-Thou people on Tumblr have been.

      • Grrr sorry to hear people have been attacking you. Tumblr is the worst. A bit off-topic but one my biggest problems with it is the fuckyeahftms page which is all about needing/wanting/getting T. Not all transguys feel the need for HRT and fuckyeahftms is teaching a whole generation of young transmen that they can’t be men without T. It makes me very very sad.

  3. I just wanted to say, for all the haters you find, there are those like myself who are thankful for all you and those like you do.

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